Mirtazapine 15mg kopen

4.9/5 sterren 1972 reviews


Tramadol is een centraal werkend, synthetisch analgeticum. Het heeft een dubbele werking: het remt de heropname van neurotransmitters zoals serotonine en noradrenaline, en het bindt zich aan de opioïde-receptoren, hoewel met een lagere affiniteit dan traditionele opioïden.

Indications and Dosage of Mirtazapine 15mg

Effective Daily Dose

  • Usually between 15 and 45 mg per day
  • Starting dose: 15 mg or 30 mg
  • Duration of action: Effect usually starts after 1-2 weeks
  • Evaluation period: After 2-4 weeks a positive response should be visible. If the effect is insufficient the dose can be increased.
  • No response after 4 additional weeks? Then treatment should be stopped.

Duration of Treatment

  • Patients with depression should be treated for at least 6 months to ensure complete freedom from symptoms.
  • Stopping mirtazapine 25mg? This should be done gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Specific Patient Groups


  • Recommended dosage is the same as for adults .
  • Dosage increases should be done under close supervision for a safe and effective response.

Pediatric Patients (Under 18 years)

  • Not recommended.
  • No proven effectiveness in clinical studies and safety risks.

Hepatic impairment

  • Reduced clearance in hepatic impairment → dose adjustment may be necessary.
  • In severe hepatic impairment, no studies have been performed, caution is advised.

Method of administration

  • Half-life: 20-40 hours → once daily administration recommended.
  • Preferably in the evening before going to bed .
  • Alternative: Two divided doses per day (morning and evening, higher dose in the evening).
  • Intake:
    • Take orally with liquid
    • Do not chew , swallow immediately.


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Benzobestellen, altijd discreet verzending binnen 24uur mijn spullen al in huis.!


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Betrouwbare verkoper.


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Product zoals beschreven.


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Geweldige klantenservice.


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Snelle en veilige verzending.